Hotel Campanile, Île-de-France

Hotel Campanile est une Aliments, Hôtel, Restaurant est situé à Villejuif, Île-de-France. L'adresse de la Hotel Campanile est 20 Rue du Dr Pinel, 94800 Villejuif, France. Si vous avez besoin de service, vous pouvez les contacter via le site Web ou par téléphone au numéro suivant +33 1 46 78 10 11.

La latitude de Hotel Campanile est 48.7973489, et la longitude est 2.347791. Hotel Campanile est situé à Villejuif, avec les coordonnées gps 48° 47' 50.456" N and 2° 20' 52.0476" E.

Le fuseau horaire de l'endroit est Europe/Paris, le site web est Si vous avez des questions, s'il vous plaît laissez un commentaire.

Aliments , Hôtel , Restaurant

Code postal94800DMS Lat48° 47' 50.456" N
DMS Lng2° 20' 52.0476" EGeoHASHu09tt7m95mpue
UTM Zone31UUTM(E)452102.6877797756
UTM(N)5405133.531638598Fuseau horaireEurope/Paris
Avis recommandés
*** (08/09/2016 00:58)

*** (13/09/2017 01:31)
Rooms were good. The restaurant was not able to handle the crowd properly. The wait times were ridiculous

*** (26/10/2017 17:14)
Room and beds are small but adequate. Breakfast is good. Does have hot water machine in the cafeteria which is important to many Chinese tourists. Commuting to Paris or Charles De Gaulle airport takes extra 30 minutes or so due to road bottleneck. Metro stations or RER train station are 1-2 kilometers away, which may not be doable especially for people with big luggages. A English speaking clerk is not always available outside core evening hours. The non English speaking clerk may not execute your wake-up call request correctly. Hotel does have complimentary Wi-Fi. The hotel sites on higher ground against surrounding​ areas, about half of the rooms can see Eiffel tower far away.

*** (08/05/2017 03:07)
Room and shower was good but fire alarm went off and did not turn off for a while.

*** (07/12/2015 01:27)
Small and smelly room. Not good breakfast.

*** (05/04/2015 05:30)
We couleur wat their till 10 h but because we have trafic problems we were there on 9:50 or something like that. And we could eat anyomere. Luck for is the mademe after the reception helped is to go te a restaurant

*** (08/02/2017 04:11)
Clean and reasonable Hotel near Gustav Roussy Hospital

*** (19/01/2015 06:46)
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