Restaurant Le Meurice Alain Ducasse, Île-de-France
Restaurant Le Meurice Alain Ducasse ist ein Essen, Restaurant liegt in Paris, Île-de-France. Die Adresse von Restaurant Le Meurice Alain Ducasse ist 228 Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France. Wenn Sie einen Service benötigen, können Sie sie über die Website oder das Telefon kontaktieren. Die Telefonnummer lautet +33 1 58 00 21 20.
Der Breitengrad der Restaurant Le Meurice Alain Ducasse ist 48.86518, und der Längengrad ist 2.328116. Restaurant Le Meurice Alain Ducasse liegt in Paris, mit den GPS-Koordinaten von 48° 51' 54.648" N and 2° 19' 41.2176" E.
Die Zeitzone des Ortes ist Europe/Paris, die website ist Wenn Sie Fragen haben, hinterlassen Sie bitte einen Kommentar.
Montag: 12:30 – 1:45 PM, 7:30 – 9:45 PM
Dienstag: 12:30 – 1:45 PM, 7:30 – 9:45 PM
Mittwoch: 12:30 – 1:45 PM, 7:30 – 9:45 PM
Donnerstag: 12:30 – 1:45 PM, 7:30 – 9:45 PM
Freitag: 12:30 – 1:45 PM, 7:30 – 9:45 PM
Samstag: Clos
Breite | 48.86518 | Längengrad | 2.328116 |
Postleitzahl | 75001 | DMS Lat | 48° 51' 54.648" N |
DMS Lng | 2° 19' 41.2176" E | GeoHASH | u09tuzxk31c0g |
UTM Zone | 31U | UTM(E) | 450724.35569805757 |
UTM(N) | 5412686.264948787 | Zeitzone | Europe/Paris |
Land | France | Provinz | Île-de-France |
Here's a tip: do lunch here. It's about half the price of dinner, the cocktails & champagne & beautiful food are just as good at lunch, and at dinner the restaurant is just a little too big and ceilings too high to feel really intimate and the crowd is too reserved to feel like everyone's having a ball. Lunch here feels sort of like a party.
*** (21/03/2017 17:36)
nice food, very good service and reasonable price
They start you off with a light veggie appetizer that is more asian influenced. My friend and I thought that was already pretty filling. We then ordered a pate appetizer which was perfect for us 2 girls.
*** (27/04/2017 20:08)
Have great time with family. Food is amazing and staffs are nice. Kids friendly. Will visit it again.
The best thing though was how they make tea for you after you eat. They push around an herb cart and you pick which herbs you would like. They cut them and muddle the leaves before brewing in front of you. The tea was my favorite part of the meal.
One dish had truffle flakes on. Only it could have been pieces of paper for all the flavour it gave. Why bother putting on an ingredient that tastes of nothing? I've never tried truffles in France, but I didn't think they would be so tasteless compared to the ones I had in Italy??
I took my sister as my date and we had a grand ol time. The only thing was it was pretty hot that day and we were sitting by the balcony upstairs. I think we got bit by some mosquitoes and saw a FAT spider on the ceiling, but meh.
It's hard to describe how great this meal was... you just have to go and see for yourself!
The sommelier's wine suggestion was alright for the meal, though, not as good as it was at Ambrosia. You're ok skipping on the wine. Spend the extra cash on their cocktails. Those are FANTASTIC!
the menu on my visit read very dull. I wasn't sure if this was maybe a seasonal reason, or if simply they didn't care. Nothing was new. The combinations play it safe and traditional, which can be nice, but really not worth the price tag. For two Michelin stars, I was hoping for something more inspired.
Neither of us had wine since we're not big fans, but their beer selection was good! And service was impeccable. It surprised me how coordinated everyone was even though there are like 20 people waiting on you. No one bumps into each other, and there never seems to be any confusion.
*** (24/10/2016 01:06)
Slap me and call me spoiled! Lucky for me only 10/180 coworkers showed up to a company event where a dinner for 2 to French Laundry was raffled off because... I WON!!!!!! #noregrets
When you leave the restaurant you are given a small gift of Fleur de Sel salt.
*** (09/03/2017 09:27)
What a fantastic dinning experience.
*** (05/10/2016 16:14)
One of my favorite restaurant in Paris. It will set you back around £500 per head but it's definitely worth it to celebrate a specially occasion. Everything is so on point.
There are many michelin star restaurants this one really encompasses dinning experience and delicious food. Yes, it will be expensive, but it really doesn't have to be if you don't want it to. The trick is to stay away from the preset meals and order a few things that you like.
Overall, this restaurant is a 5 star dinning experience. The food is 3 stars. If you want a true food experience without all the fluff and just want to focus on high quality food I would recommend Ambrosia. If you're not a complete foodie but still want the full experience at a michelin rated restaurant, I would recommend this place.
I left more than half my food, something I'm normally dead set against. The servers asked me if I had a problem and brushed it off when I told them how sad the food was. Apparently it's my taste that is wrong.
The dessert menu is again very uninspired. I don't need anything NEW, I just wanted something that excited my taste pallets.
*** (24/09/2017 21:10)
Beautiful and classic! Food is tasty and staff very friendly. A bit too formal for me though but well worth the trouble for the dress code and pricey menu!
The dishes came out very underwhelming. My sister, in no way a foodie, commented that my pigeon tasted a lot like her lobster. Sorry darling, the two are very different flavours and the fact they taste the same is because they are both prepared and served with the same intense but dull umami rich sauce.
We enjoyed all the courses and got greedy with the caviar. Instead of choosing one or an upgrade, both of us opted to just have BOTH! Cause, why the hell not! My sister also upgraded to the wagyu beef but we both thought the lamb was better.
But if you want to go somewhere it tastes good? Hmm. Maybe try somewhere else.
After our meal, we didn't even see the check. It was all taken care of (felt so VIP!) and they even offered to show us around the kitchen. Not sure if they do that for everyone, but it was really cool! Although I do not recommend wearing slippery heels in there. :)
*** (15/10/2017 19:08)
This place has the best food I have ever had! Everything was so delicious, the staff were very friendly, and the prices are reasonable.
We ordered some chocolate dessert and were also presented with more dessert after or meal which I think comes with the dinning experience.
We each ordered our own main course meals. My friend ordered the bonito and I ordered the lobster dish (which is the chef's specialty.) Both dishes tasted great but they won't blow your taste buds off the chart.
I have no idea how horrible the reservation process is since the company did it for me, but I hear it's a real pain in the ass. The company simply called me and was like "we made you reservations for Saturday, a month from now". WOOHOOO. Believe you me, I crossed the days off my calendar anxiously.
Go here to be seen or to tick it off a list. Don't go if you love food and flavours.
*** (11/03/2017 00:30)
I have always had a certain affection for Le Meurice -- it really is just about the most glamorous place in the world.
First I would like to say the service and setting is beautiful. Stunning even. If you want to go somewhere that looks good, this is for you.
*** (12/07/2017 13:23)
Utterly disappointed with my food experience here. My friends had recommended this place to me and it has quite a reputation.