Altmuehle, Grand Est

Altmuehle is a Colloquial Area, Political is located in Bettviller, Grand Est. The address of Altmuehle is Altmuehle, 57410 Bettviller, France.

The latitude of Altmuehle is 49.082668, and the longitude is 7.283445. Altmuehle is located in Bettviller, with the gps coordinates of 49° 04' 57.6048" N and 7° 17' 0.402" E.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Berlin. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Colloquial Area , Political

Postal code57410DMS Lat49° 04' 57.6048" N
DMS Lng7° 17' 0.402" EGeoHASHu0tpjxpxk86pr
UTM Zone32UUTM(E)374657.3964849174
UTM(N)5438064.675974876Time zoneEurope/Berlin
CountryFranceProvinceGrand Est
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