Information of


Colloquial Area, Political in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Baraille, 64370 Castillon(Canton d'Arthez-de-Béarn), France

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Time zone: Europe/Paris

Latitude: 43° 27' 6.5412" N
Longitude: 0° 34' 18.9876" W


Baraille, Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Baraille is a Colloquial Area, Political is located in Castillon(Canton d'Arthez-de-Béarn), Nouvelle-Aquitaine. The address of Baraille is Baraille, 64370 Castillon(Canton d'Arthez-de-Béarn), France.

The latitude of Baraille is 43.451817, and the longitude is -0.571941. Baraille is located in Castillon(Canton d'Arthez-de-Béarn), with the gps coordinates of 43° 27' 6.5412" N and 0° 34' 18.9876" W.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Paris. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Colloquial Area , Political

Postal code64370DMS Lat43° 27' 6.5412" N
DMS Lng0° 34' 18.9876" WGeoHASHezxx4ypt0vcbs
UTM Zone30TUTM(E)696454.0947483549
UTM(N)4813854.004554892Time zoneEurope/Paris
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