Domaine de Jean-Pierre, Occitanie

Domaine de Jean-Pierre is a Hotel is located in Pinas, Occitanie. The address of Domaine de Jean-Pierre is 20 Route de Villeneuve, 65300 Pinas, France. If you need service, you can contact them via the website or phone, the phone number is +33 5 62 98 15 08.

The latitude of Domaine de Jean-Pierre is 43.1198993, and the longitude is 0.4411939. Domaine de Jean-Pierre is located in Pinas, with the gps coordinates of 43° 07' 11.6375" N and 0° 26' 28.298" E.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Paris, the website is If you have any questions, please leave a comment.


Postal code65300DMS Lat43° 07' 11.6375" N
DMS Lng0° 26' 28.298" EGeoHASHsp8m619r8ef42
UTM Zone31TUTM(E)291837.27538762416
UTM(N)4777307.840805835Time zoneEurope/Paris
Recommended Reviews
*** (25/09/2017 01:06)
Sitio con encanto, muy buen desayuno

*** (29/03/2016 03:05)
Una casa maravillosa, un trato delicioso, la recomiendo encarecidamente. espero poder volver muy pronto.
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