FIVE AUCTION (Permanently Closed), Hauts-de-France
FIVE AUCTION (Permanently Closed) is a Car Dealer, Store is located in La Sentinelle, Hauts-de-France. The address of FIVE AUCTION (Permanently Closed) is 940 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 59174 La Sentinelle, France.
The latitude of FIVE AUCTION (Permanently Closed) is 50.3452691, and the longitude is 3.4795387. FIVE AUCTION (Permanently Closed) is located in La Sentinelle, with the gps coordinates of 50° 20' 42.9688" N and 3° 28' 46.3393" E.
The time zone of the place is Europe/Paris, the website is If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
Car Dealer
Latitude | 50.3452691 | Longitude | 3.4795387 |
Postal code | 59174 | DMS Lat | 50° 20' 42.9688" N |
DMS Lng | 3° 28' 46.3393" E | GeoHASH | u0fqrjjdrnkh5 |
UTM Zone | 31U | UTM(E) | 534120.3086626718 |
UTM(N) | 5577130.380297885 | Time zone | Europe/Paris |
Country | France | Province | Hauts-de-France |