Ice Watch, Grand Est
Ice Watch is a Electronics Store, Store is located in Metz, Grand Est. The address of Ice Watch is 15, En Chaplerue, 57000 Metz, France. If you need service, you can contact them via the website or phone, the phone number is +33 6 09 53 13 12.
The latitude of Ice Watch is 49.1165505, and the longitude is 6.1762865. Ice Watch is located in Metz, with the gps coordinates of 49° 06' 59.5818" N and 6° 10' 34.6314" E.
The time zone of the place is Europe/Paris, the website is If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
Electronics Store
Latitude | 49.1165505 | Longitude | 6.1762865 |
Postal code | 57000 | DMS Lat | 49° 06' 59.5818" N |
DMS Lng | 6° 10' 34.6314" E | GeoHASH | u0srkt3ktuth0 |
UTM Zone | 32U | UTM(E) | 293960.67463481985 |
UTM(N) | 5444252.253809321 | Time zone | Europe/Paris |
Country | France | Province | Grand Est |