La Grande Maison, Bretagne

La Grande Maison is a Colloquial Area, Political is located in Pleurtuit, Bretagne. The address of La Grande Maison is La Grande Maison, 35730 Pleurtuit, France.

The latitude of La Grande Maison is 48.585187, and the longitude is -2.022334. La Grande Maison is located in Pleurtuit, with the gps coordinates of 48° 35' 6.6732" N and 2° 01' 20.4024" W.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Paris. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Colloquial Area , Political

Postal code35730DMS Lat48° 35' 6.6732" N
DMS Lng2° 01' 20.4024" WGeoHASHgbws3uxmhpq3r
UTM Zone30UUTM(E)572100.4715031923
UTM(N)5381805.997608129Time zoneEurope/Paris
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