Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois, Pays de la Loire

Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois is a Political, Sublocality Level 1, Sublocality is located in Villeneuve-en-Perseigne, Pays de la Loire. The address of Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois is Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois, 72610 Villeneuve-en-Perseigne, France.

The latitude of Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois is 48.389127, and the longitude is 0.171007. Saint-Rigomer-des-Bois is located in Villeneuve-en-Perseigne, with the gps coordinates of 48° 23' 20.8572" N and 0° 10' 15.6252" E.

The time zone of the place is Europe/Paris. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Political , Sublocality Level 1 , Sublocality

Postal code72610DMS Lat48° 23' 20.8572" N
DMS Lng0° 10' 15.6252" EGeoHASHu0857bux0g041
UTM Zone31UUTM(E)290571.6675539027
UTM(N)5363418.711306958Time zoneEurope/Paris
CountryFranceProvincePays de la Loire
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